18 Months to 6th Grade

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Toddler Community

The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self. Adults work to finish a task, but the child
works in order to grow, and is working to create the adult, the person that is to be. Such experience is not just play…
it is work he must do in order to grow up. Maria Montessori

Toddler Community Overview

18 months to 2½ years

Monday through Friday
8:30am to 12 noon

Class Size: 9

One assistant


It can be hard to send our children off into the world, but when you do you want a loving, supportive environment for your little one. The Toddler Community is the perfect transition from home to school. The Toddler class is an intimate community of nine children with a trained Directress and two assistants. The environment is designed to meet the physical, psychological and cognitive needs of toddlers in the following areas:

  • Socialization
  • Independence: positive self-esteem and self confidence
  • Language enrichment
  • Refinement and coordination of fine and gross motor skills

The toddler’s hands-on learning environment integrates the child’s intellect, will, and movement. The classroom is set up with the following learning centers:

  • Language Area containing books and language material
  • Practical Life Area which stresses care of self and care of the environment
  • Food Preparation Area (the Toddlers prepare homemade bread every day!)
  • Hand-Eye Coordination Area activities
  • Self-Expression Area such as painting

The Toddler Playground invites the child with opportunities for exercise, learning to play cooperatively, sharing and taking turns. The Toddler vegetable gardens are planted, harvested, and eaten by the children. Care of the flower and vegetable beds are an important part of teaching responsibility as well as providing a deep hands-on connection with the earth.

The Toddler Program emphasizes language enrichment, sensory-motor exploration and “practical life” activities to foster the toddler’s growing sense of independence. Our students’ motto is “help me do it myself.” Cooperation and collaboration are emphasized in all adult-toddler interactions.


Toddler Nappers
Toddler students only

Monday through Friday
12 noon – 2:45 pm

Toddler Nappers

Toddler Nappers enjoy lunch with their friends, a restful nap, and playtime under the guidance of a trained AMI Directress and assistant.